Apollo Kironde

Apollo Kironde (1915–April 25, 2007) was the first Ambassador to the United Nations from Uganda[1].

He was the scion of an ancient aristocratic family of the Nsenene (grasshopper clan). His grandfather was a regent to the young Bugandan king Chwa when the British arrived. It was at his insistence that the Buganda Agreement of 1900 made Uganda a protectorate and not a colony like neighbouring Kenya. For his efforts he was knighted by Queen Victoria and became the first African to be knighted. When the young king came of age Sir Apollo became the Katikiro (Prime Minister) of Buganda.

His grandson and namesake, Apollo Kironde, was the second son of his first son Asanasio. At an early age young Apollo showed a lot of promise and was sent abroad to school. He studied to be a teacher and after many years of teaching went to England and read law at Middle Temple. He went back to Uganda and was the first African to pass the bar.

When the King of Buganda was exiled to Great Britain, after a dispute with the colonial government, it was Apollo Kironde who went to England to win his freedom. The people of Buganda never forgot that. Subsequently he was invited to be a minister in the colonial government, a privilege heretofore limited to the English; another first. When Uganda won its independence he was named its first Ambassador to the UN.

Apollo Kironde was truly a renaissance man. He taught himself to be a first-class clarinet and flute player. He was a master carpenter who made beautiful furniture and he learned to speak French. He was also a tireless promoter of the arts in his country and very proud of his heritage. His passing in 2007 was a sad loss for all Ugandans.
